Tidbits from the
Society of Professional Journalists


National SPJ Contests, Awards, Fellowships and Internships

Each year the SPJ honors the best in journalism. Here are the awards offered by the SPJ.
Stay tuned for information on being able to enter or apply for the following items next year
  • Sigma Delta Chi Awards: Among the premiere prizes given in the profession, and are unique, because they recognize achievement in all forms of journalism: print, television, radio, graphics, magazines, research, newsletters and online. Deadline February 16, 2021
  • Mark of Excellence Awards: Honors the best in collegiate journalism. Deadline January 19, 2021
  • SPJ National High School Essay Contest:  Co-sponsored by the SPJ Foundation of the Society of Professional Journalists and the Journalism Education Association to increase high school students’ knowledge and understanding of the importance of independent media to our lives.Deadline TBD
  • New America Award: Honors public service journalism Deadline February 16, 2021
  • Distinguished Teaching in Journalism Award: Honors a collegiate journalism educator and recognizes outstanding teaching ability, contributions to journalism and journalism education Deadline March 15, 2021
  • Ethics in Journalism: Honors journalists or news organizations that perform in an outstanding ethical manner. Deadline March 15, 2021
  • Sunshine Award: Recognizes individuals and groups for making important contributions in the area of open government. Deadline March 15, 2021

Below are what the International Community submitted to the SPJ 21 Conference resolutions committee. We think this covers a wide range of concerns facing press freedom around the world. To be sure it is not an complete list, but these are all topics we have had ICTalks about or have encouraged the SPJ leadership to speak out on.

Many thanks to Robert Buckman for his tireless drafting and editing skills. Without his help we would not have been able to make the deadline.
Resolution on Press Freedom in Eastern Europe
WHEREAS following the fall of the Soviet Union and the Warsaw Pact the countries of Eastern Europe enjoyed a growth of democratic institutions and principles, including freedom of the press, and
WHEREAS, according to Reporters Without Borders, attacks against journalists in Eastern Europe rose in the past year, and
WHEREAS according to Freedom House, in the past few years, democracy in Hungary and Poland has deteriorated faster than any other country in the area, and
WHEREAS the ruling parties of these two countries have shown little regard for press freedom and independence, and
WHEREAS the governments of Hungary and Poland seized on the COVID-19 pandemic as an excuse to control local media, including threatening journalists with prosecution on charges of disseminating “fake news” and “blocking the government’s anti-pandemic efforts,”
THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Society of Professional Journalists, meeting in virtual convention on September 4, 2021, expresses its dismay and disappointment that two once leading examples of democracy and press freedom in Europe are now falling into the darkness of a near-authoritarian state, and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Society extends its solidarity and support to the journalists of Hungary, Poland and the other European countries facing attacks from their governments, and
BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED that resolution be sent to the embassies of Hungary, Poland and the European Community.

Afghanistan Resolution
NOTE: This may require adjustments because this is an ever-changing story.
WHEREAS in the past 20 years the people of Afghanistan have become used to free and independent media reporting on the issues affecting their country, and
WHEREAS the various news organizations that were established in the country hired reporters, editors, photographers, camera-persons, interpreters and producers without concern about the gender of the journalists, and
WHEREAS since the Taliban began their final push to overthrow the government, more than 90 media outlets were forced to close in areas under Taliban control, and
WHEREAS even though the Taliban has repeatedly promised it would not interfere with the freedom of the press, Afghan reporters and editors have already reported on bands of Taliban forces demanding an end to coverage seen as hostile to the Taliban, and
WHEREAS as Kabul fell into Taliban hands many journalists feared for their lives and have sought to escape, and
WHEREAS the International Community of Society of Professional Journalists, in cooperation with other global groups, worked tirelessly to help Afghan journalists escape, and
WHEREAS the Biden Administration said Afghan journalists in fear of their lives would qualify to be included in the US-sponsored airlift of Afghanis, and
WHEREAS female journalists may face special attention abuse and persecution by the Taliban,
THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Society of Professional Journalists, meeting in virtual convention on September 4, 2021, calls on the Biden Administration to hold firm in its earlier statements and ensure the safe removal of Afghan journalists – and their families, and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that SPJ calls on the Taliban to honor its stated assurances that Afghan journalists, both men and women, will not be singled out for persecution, and to allow international news organizations to continue to report from Afghanistan without interference or harassment, and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED the Society encourages its chapters and members to seek out local refugee support organizations and provide what help they can, and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a copy of this resolution be sent to U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken, and
BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED the Society extends its heartfelt thanks to Elle Toussi, co-chair of the International Community for her tireless efforts with international organizations in the height of the chaos in Kabul to get several female journalists out of Afghanistan.
HONG KONG Free Press Resolution
WHEREAS in 1997 the government of the People’s Republic of China agreed to allow the citizens of Hong Kong to maintain the rights previously enjoyed under British rule, including freedom of the press, expression and assembly, for 50 years and
WHEREAS these protections were incorporated in other treaties and agreements between China and other countries, including the United States, and
WHEREAS within the past year China imposed on Hong Kong a national security law that effectively outlaws critical coverage of the Hong Kong government and of Chinese policies, and
WHEREAS the Hong Kong government, using the national security law, arrested democracy advocate and publisher Jimmy Lai, and
WHEREAS the local government also froze the assets of Lai’s media organization and raided the offices of its flagship newspaper, The Apple Daily, and
WHEREAS Lai remains in jail with several of Apple Daily editors – all denied bail – under the draconian security laws, and
WHEREAS many foreign news organizations are considering withdrawing their staff staffs rather than face persecution under the national security laws, and
WHEREAS the Hong Kong government has moved to remove the editorial independence of Radio-Television Hong Kong, a city-owned news outlet that has, until now, enjoyed freedom from government interference in the production of its news and information programs, and
WHEREAS the newspaper Wen Wei Po, a mouthpiece for the Chinese Communist Party, recently called for the regulation of the Hong Kong Journalists Association, an independent union of Hong Kong journalists, and
WHEREAS the HKJA appears to have invoked the ire of the Beijing and Hong Kong governments because of its vigorous defense of Hong Kong journalists against charges by these governments of promoting “fake news” and “collaborating with fake reporters” to incite the public against China, and
WHEREAS the Society of Professional Journalists has long supported the principle of press freedom in Hong Kong and has stood shoulder-to-shoulder with the journalists in Hong Kong, 
THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Society of Professional Journalists, meeting in virtual convention on September 4, 2021, renews its support of and solidarity with the Hong Kong Journalists Association and all journalists in Hong Kong who continue to report the news from the territory without fear or favor, and
BE IT FUIRTHER RESOLVED, that the Society calls upon the Hong Kong government to release Jimmy Lai and other incarcerated journalists and to allow the Apple Daily and all other news organizations in Hong Kong to operate freely, without censorship or intimidation, in accordance with the 1997 agreement with the United Kingdom.
Philippines Resolution

WHEREAS, the Philippines is a signatory to the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Article 19 of which states: “Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers,” and

WHEREAS, Article III, Section 4 of the Philippine Constitution of 1987 states, “No law shall be passed abridging the freedom of speech, of expression, or of the press, or the right of the people peaceably to assemble and petition the government for redress of grievances,” and
WHEREAS, Article III, Section 7 of the Philippine Constitution states, “The right of the people to information on matters of public concern shall be recognized. Access to official records, and to documents and papers pertaining to official acts, transactions, or decisions, as well as to government research data used as basis for policy development, shall be afforded the citizen, subject to such limitations as may be provided by law,” and
WHEREAS, Article III, Section 18 (1) of the Philippine Constitution states, “No person shall be detained solely by reason of his political beliefs and aspirations,” and
WHEREAS the government of President Rodrigo Duterte has waged a ceaseless battle against journalist and publisher Maria Ressa and her online news service Rappler as well as all other news organizations that provide critical coverage of his government, and
WHEREAS Ressa is currently appealing a verdict of cyber-libel from 2020, and
WHEREAS other cases of libel filed by private citizens have been withdrawn by the filing individuals,
THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Society of Professional Journalists, meeting in virtual convention on September 4, 2021, calls on the Philippine Supreme Court to overturn the verdict of the lower courts against Ressa, and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, the Society calls on the Duterte government to cease in its efforts to stifle Rappler and other independent news outlets, and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, the Society expresses its solidarity with Ressa, with the journalists of Rappler and of other independent news organizations who are seeking to inform the Philippine public despite a climate of hostility, repression and intimidation, and
BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED, copies of this resolution should be sent to the Philippine ambassador ton the United States in Washington, DC, to U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken and to Michelle Bachelet, U.N. high commissioner for human rights.


Submitted by: The International Journalism Community

Co-signers: Louisiana Pro Chapter

WHEREAS, Myanmar is a member of the United Nations, and Article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights states, “Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers,” and

WHEREAS, the coup that took place in February of this year brought to an end the gradual growth of press independence and freedom of expression in Myanmar, and

WHEREAS, the military rulers of Myanmar used provisions of the national Telecommunications Act to not only to prosecute journalists but to also to encourage private citizens to use the act to harass and weaken the fledgling independent news organizations in the country, and

WHEREAS, Daniel Fenster, a U.S. citizen who is managing editor of the online magazine Frontier Myanmar in Yangon, was arrested at the airport in Yangon on May 24 as he was about to fly home to visit his family, and

WHEREAS, the supposed charge against Mr. Fenster is a vague prohibition against “incitement” or “spreading fear” under Section 505(a) of the Myanmar Penal Code, although no such evidence was presented in support of this charge during the two brief court appearances Mr. Fenster has had during the three months he has been detained, and

WHEREAS, the Myanmar military government has denied Mr. Fenster access to U.S. consular officials, a violation of international law under the Vienna Convention, and

WHEREAS, the Myanmar military government even refused to allow the U.S. consulate to vaccinate Mr. Fenster against COVID-19 despite an outbreak of the disease in the prison where he is being held, and

WHEREAS, an estimated 75 of the 88 other journalists jailed since the February 1 military coup remain incarcerated, and

WHEREAS, the incarceration of Mr. Fenster and other journalists by the Myanmar Government is counter to the free flow of information practiced by the democratic nations of the world and thus is a stain on the honor and reputation of the country of Myanmar,

BE IT RESOLVED that the Society of Professional Journalists, meeting in virtual convention on September 4, 2021, calls upon the Myanmar Government to release Mr. Fenster and other journalists from prison so they may continue to practice their profession in accordance with the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Society of Professional Journalists praises the efforts of U.S. journalists who have worked to support their counterparts in Myanmar, including efforts to get journalists out of the country to safety. In particular, we send our congratulations and strongest statements of support to the efforts of the Rio Grande SPJ Chapter, which has led the way in our organization in support of free and independent journalists and journalism in Myanmar,
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that copies of this resolution be sent to the Myanmar ambassador to the United States, to U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken, to the U.S. ambassador to Myanmar and to Michelle Bachelet, U.N. high commissioner for human rights.

Resolution on Turkey Press Freedom
WHEREAS President Recep Tayyip Erdogan of Turkey has moved from promoting liberal reforms to exhibiting contempt for political rights and civil liberties, especially after he pushed through constitutional “reforms” that place almost unlimited powers in the office of the presidency, and
WHEREAS since 2016 Erdogan has closed more than 100 newspapers, magazines, TV channels and radio stations and has arrested and imprisoned 378 journalists in the same period, and
WHEREAS Erdogan also censors the Internet, especially when reports surface about members of his government or private individuals close to the government, and
WHEREAS many early supporters of Erdogan have told foreign reporters and filmmakers he no longer enjoys their support, and
WHEREAS, Turkey is a charter member of the United Nations and a signatory to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Article 19 of which states: “Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers,” and
WHEREAS Erdogan’s increasingly authoritarian rule has been a key factor in the European Union’s reluctance to accept Turkey’s application for EU membership,
THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Society of Professional Journalists, meeting in virtual convention on September 4, 2021, calls on the Turkish government to reverse the current course that leads only to more censorship and less press freedom, and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED the Society calls on the Erdogan government to release the many journalists being held for nothing more than “committing journalism,” and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED the Society extends its support and solidarity to the dwindling number of free and independent journalists in Turkey who face the wrath of the Erdogan government because of their work, and
BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED that copies of this resolution be sent to the Turkish embassy ambassador to the United States in Washington, D.C., to the U.S. ambassador to Turkey and to Michelle Bachelet, U.N. high commissioner for human rights.
Press Freedom: A Global and Local Call to Action
WHEREAS freedom of the press is an issue that is increasingly one that links journalists in the United States with their colleagues around the world, and
WHEREAS more than 880 journalists in the United States were arrested, physically attacked or otherwise harassed while doing their jobs, according to the U.S. Press Freedom Tracker, and
WHEREAS more than 2,000 journalists were killed or imprisoned in 2020 and so far in 2021 around the globe, according to Committee to Protect Journalists, again, just for doing their jobs as journalists, and
WHEREAS, Reporters Without Borders noted with dismay how 37 heads of state have instituted policy to limit press freedom in their countries, and
 WHEREAS Freedom House noted a marked decline in support for press freedom in the United States forced them to lower its democracy rating for America for the first time, and
WHEREAS the Society of Professional Journalists remains committed to offering support to journalists in the United States through its Legal Defense Fund, and
WHEREAS, in the past year the Society of Professional Journalists has spoken out in defense of journalists in Afghanistan, Belarus, Hong Kong, Myanmar, Mexico and Nicaragua, therefore
BE IT RESOLVED that the Society of Professional Journalists, meeting in virtual convention on September 4, 2021, reaffirm its commitment to protecting freedom of press in all countries, and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, this convention urge local chapters to initiate programs that foster a greater understanding of these global and local threats by working with resources available in their areas and with the International Community of the Society.
Resolution on Nicaragua Press Freedom
Submitted by the International Journalism Community

Co-signers:Louisiana Pro Chapter

WHEREAS, Nicaragua is a signatory to the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Article 19 of which states: “Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers,” and

WHEREAS, Nicaragua is also a signatory to the 1994 Declaration of Chapultepec, which states in its preamble: "Wherever the media can function unhindered and determine their own direction and manner of serving the public there is a blossoming of the ability to seek information, to disseminate it without restraints, to question it without fear, and to promote the free exchange of ideas and opinions. But wherever freedom of the press is curtailed, for whatever reasons, the other freedoms vanish," and

WHEREAS, Principle 4 of the Declaration of Chapultepec also states: “Freedom of expression and of the press are severely limited by murder, terrorism, kidnapping, pressure, intimidation, the unjust imprisonment of journalists, the destruction of facilities, violence of any kind and impunity for perpetrators,” and

WHEREAS, in 2019 and 2020 the Nicaraguan government willfully prevented delivery of newsprint to the nation’s leading daily newspaper, La Prensa, and

WHEREAS, in June 2021, Carlos Chamorro, editor of the online news site Confidencial, was arrested and his newsroom raided, and he has been forced to flee to Costa Rica for his safety, and

WHEREAS, in June 2021, Carlos Chamorro’s sister and fellow journalist, Cristiana Chamorro, was arrested and remains in detention for the supposed crime of “treason,” apparently because she was regarded as a leading candidate in this November’s presidential election, and,

WHEREAS, in June 2021, the well-known sportswriter Miguel Mendoza was arrested at his home on unspecified charges and remains in detention, apparently because he made comments critical of the government on his Twitter page; and

WHEREAS, at 4 a.m. on August 13, 2021, Nicaraguan police raided the offices of La Prensa, arrested its publisher, Juan Lorenzo Holmann, at his home, and have forcibly prevented employees of La Prensa from publishing the newspaper, depriving them of their livelihood as well as depriving the La Prensa readers of information; and

WHEREAS, the current climate of intimidation directed against Nicaraguan journalists and their organizations has had a chilling effect on freedom of the press and the free flow of information in a democratic society, as set forth in the U.N. Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the Declaration of Chapultepec,

BE IT RESOLVED that the Society of Professional Journalists, meeting in virtual convention on September 4, 2021, condemns these violations of freedom of the press in Nicaragua, and expresses its solidarity with its Nicaraguan colleagues as they seek to report the news factually despite a climate of hostility and intimidation; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that SPJ calls upon Nicaraguan President Daniel Ortega Saavedra to respect his government’s obligations under the UN Declaration of Human Rights and the Declaration of Chapultepec by releasing any and all journalists being held for exercising their rights and duties as journalists, by allowing all those in exile to return to Nicaragua to practice their profession, and by desisting from further arrests of journalists, from police raids on media organizations and from engaging in acts of intimidation and repression against journalists and their organizations; and;
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that copies of this resolution be sent to the Nicaraguan ambassador to the United States, to the office of President Daniel Ortega Saavedra, to the secretary-general of the Organization of American States and to Michelle Bachelet, the United Nations high commissioner for human rights.  

CONSIDERANDO que, Nicaragua es signataria de la Declaración Universal de los Derechos Humanos de las Naciones Unidas que, en su Artículo 19 establece: “Todo individuo tiene derecho a la libertad de opinión y de expresión; este derecho incluye el de no ser molestado a causa de sus opiniones, el de investigar y recibir informaciones y opiniones, y el de difundirlas, sin limitación de fronteras, por cualquier medio de expresión,” y
CONSIDERANDO que, Nicaragua también es signataria de la Declaración de Chapultepec de 1994 que, en su preámbulo asevera: “Allí donde los medios pueden surgir libremente, decidir su orientación y la manera de servir al público, allí también florecen las posibilidades de buscar información, de difundirla sin cortapisas, de cuestionarla sin temores y de promover el libre intercambio de ideas y opiniones. Pero, cuando con el pretexto de cualesquiera objetivos se cercena la libertad de prensa, desaparecen las demás libertades,” y
CONSIDERANDO que, según el Cuarto Principio de la Declaración de Chapultepec: “El asesinato, el terrorismo, el secuestro, las presiones, la intimidación, la prisión injusta de los periodistas, la destrucción material de los medios de comunicación, la violencia de cualquier tipo y la impunidad de los agresores, coartan severamente la libertad de expresión y de prensa. Estos actos deben ser investigados con prontitud y sancionados con severidad,” y
CONSIDERANDO que, en  2019 y 2020, el gobierno nicaragüense evitó por fuerza la entrega de papel destinado al diario principal, La Prensa; y
CONSIDERANDO que en junio de 2021, Carlos Chamorro, director del sitio noticiero digital Confidencial, fue arrestado y su sala de prensa invadida por la policia, y Chamorro tuvo que fugarse hasta Costa Rica por su seguridad; y
CONSIDERANDO que en junio de 2021, la hermana y colega periodista de Carlos Chamorro, Cristiana Chamorro, fue arrestada y se encuentra detenida por el supuesto crimen de “traición,” aparemente porque se postuló como candidata en la elección presidential en en noviembre; y
CONSIDERANDO que en junio de 2021 el destacado periodista deportivo Miguel Mendoza fue arrestado en su casa por cargos no especificados y se encuentra detenido, aparentemente porque hizo comentarios críticos del gobierno en su página de Twitter; y
CONSIDERANDO que a las cuatro de la madrugada el 13 de agosto de 2021, agentes de la policía nicaragüense allanaron las oficinas de La Prensa, arrestaron al redactor, Juan Lorenzo Holmann, y han impedido a los empleados de La Prensa publicar el diario, privando a los empleados su medio de vida y de información a los lectores de La Prensa; y
CONSIDERANDO que el ambiente actual de intimidación dirigido contra periodistas nicaragüenses y sus organizaciones tiene el efecto de inhibir la libertad de prensa y el libre flujo de información en una sociedad democrática, como postulan la Declaración Universal de los Derechos Humanos y la Declaración de Chapúltepec,
SE RESUELVE que la Sociedad de Periodistas Profesionales (SPJ), reunida en convención virtual el 4 de septiembre de 2021, condena estas violaciones de la libertad de la prensa en Nicaragua, y declara su solidaridad con sus colegas nicaragüenses mientran ellos luchan para divulgar las noticias en forma profesional a pesar de un clima de hostilidad e intimidación, y

SE RESUELVE ADEMÁS que la Sociedad de Periodistas Profesionales llama al Presidente Daniel Ortega Saavedra a respetar las obligaciones de su gobierno según la Declaración Universal de los Derechos Humanos de la ONU y la Declaración de Chapúltepec, y lo llama a liberar a todos los periodistas encarcelados por ejercer sus derechos y deberes como periodistas; lo llama a permitir la vuelta a Nicaragua de los periodistas exiliados para que puedan reasumir sus deberes profesionales; y lo llama a cesar las detenciones de periodistas o de allanar sus organizaciones, cesar actos de intimidación y represión contra periodistas o sus organizaciones; y
RESUELVE AL FINAL, remitir copias de esta resolución: al embajador nicaragüense ante los EEUU en Washington, a la oficina del presidente Daniel Ortega Saavedra, al secretario-general de la Organizacíon de Estados Americanos, y a Michelle Bachelet, alta comisionada para derechos humanos de la ONU.

PROPOSED Resolution on Summit for Democracy
Whereas the Biden Administration has called for a Summit for Democracy to be held December 9-10, 2021, with the stated aim to “bring together leaders from government, civil society, and the private sector to set forth an affirmative agenda for democratic renewal and to tackle the greatest threats faced by democracies today through collective action”, and
Whereas the 2021 summit is designed to address the following three themes: 1.) Defending against authoritarianism; 2.) Addressing and fighting corruption and 3.) Advancing respect for human rights, and
Whereas the protection and support of free and independent news media is one of the surest ways to address all three points, and
 http://• https://www.state.gov/summit-for-democracy/#Summit
Whereas threats to the practice of free and independent news gathering and reporting are evident throughout the world, and
Whereas the Summit will be held just a few days before December 15, the 230th anniversary of the ratification of the Bill of Rights, which includes protection of press freedom under the First Amendment, therefore
Be it resolved that the Society of Professional Journalists, meeting in virtual convention on September 4, 202, call on the Biden Administration to ensure representation a wide range of journalism organizations from around the world at the Democracy Summit, and
Be it further resolved that the Society as the oldest and most inclusive journalism organization in the United States makes it clear we stand ready to participate in this summit in cooperation with other journalism organizations to vigorously promote the defense and promotion of free and independent journalism around the word; and
Be it further resolved we encourage our local chapters to reach out to local refugee and immigrant organizations to conduct programs in December that draws attention to the threats to press freedom and how those threats impact the rights we enjoy under the U.S. Constitution especially the Bill of Rights, and
Be it finally resolved copies of this resolution be sent to the White House and the Office of Public Diplomacy at the U.S. Department of State.
Let us know if you have  a program or event you would like to promote.